

We are proud to offer our customers Quotinual, our ongoing and on-demand quoting process that is designed to offer maximum savings to churches.

With Quotinual, we will automatically review your coverage at your annual renewal to see if you can be saving with a new quote so you are not locked into overpriced rates. Quotinual also offers your ministry quoting on-demand. Anytime your ministry is interested in checking rates or comparing coverages, we can provide you with a quote for insurance that reflects your church’s current operations.



• Is fast & easy – We use information previously provided to prepare and present you with your automatic quote upon renewal
• Helps prevent your church from getting locked into overpriced rates
• Offers on-demand quoting – get a quote anytime to help ensure your coverage reflects your ministry’s current needs
• Could help your church save money

Need to talk?

Whether you're a current customer or just thinking about it, we're here to help.